Breaking the Curses: Biblical Keys to Freedom in Christ Curses...
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Preaching in every nation Matthew 24:14 all must hear

Multitudes accept salvation and the deaf hear

Gospel outreach – winning souls – the lame walk

Preaching from Pakistan to India to Africa to the uttermost parts of the world
“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Cor 9
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Preaching the Gospel in every nation – Join us today in partnership
On behalf of the board of trustees, we will ensure the highest level of credibility, integrity and accountability. (U.K. charity Registered Number U.K. 1118814) and therefore also legally a transparent organisation, in other words, our books are open, which operates on the basis of donations, the organisation has set high standards of receiving and distributing the finances for the organisation. The organisation uses all contributions, gifts and donations to support the ministry organisation, its worldwide mission projects and outreaches.

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The Anointed Ministry of Pastor Vincent Bauhaus: Healing, Deliverance & The Power of Jesus Christ
World Evangelism, Deliverance and Healing Spreading the Gospel with Power...
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Free Live Online Deliverance and Healing Service by Evangelist Vincent...
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Title: The Importance of Ministry of Deliverance Training: Equip Yourself...
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